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Simbad : an Autonomous Robot Simulation Package for Education and Research

Louis Hugues and Nicolas Bredeche

Simulation of Adaptive Behavior 2006 (SAB 2006)
Rome, Italy, 25-29 September 2006


Simbad is an open source Java 3d robot simulator for scientific and educational purposes. It is mainly dedicated to researchers/programmers who want a simple basis for studying Situated Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and more generally AI algorithms, in the context of Autonomous Robotics and Autonomous Agents. It is is kept voluntarily readable and simple for fast implementation in the field of Research and/or Education.

Moreover, Simbad embeds two stand-alone additional packages : a Neural Network library (feed-forwad NN, recurrent NN, etc.) and an Artificial Evolution Framework for Genetic Algorithm, Evolutionary Strategies and Genetic Programming. These packages are targetted towards Evolutionary Robotics.

The Simbad Package is available from under the conditions of the GPL (GNU General Public Licence).

(this paper is submitted for the poster session)

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