Fifth Six-Monthly Meeting
27 June 2008
Room K13
Municon - Munich Airport Conference Centre

The Role of Anticipation in Cognition

09:00    Registration
10:00 David Vernon, euCognition Network Coordinator: Welcome & Overview
10:15 Bernhard Hommel, University of Leiden:   
Becoming an Intentional Agent: The Emergence of Voluntary Action (pdf - 1.8 Mb)
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Juergen Schmidhuber, TU München & IDSIA
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Jun Tani, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan
15:00 Daniel Wolpert, Cambridge University:   
Probabilistic models of human sensorimotor control (pdf - 6.5 Mb)
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Panel and Audience Discussion
17:30 Close

Associated Events

ABiALS 2008 - The fourth workshop on Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, will be held at the same venue the day before the meeting on 26 June 2008.

A Doctoral Consortium will be held at the same venue the day after the meeting on 28 June 2008.

Both these events are official euCognition events and members may claim the travel and subsistence costs of attending them, subject to the conditions set out here.