Software Resources

If you have resources to contribute, please send them to David Vernon at

Pogamut 2

The Pogamut 2 framework is concerned with modelling of high-level behaviour and action selection of human-like agents embedded in a 3D environment, namely that of Unreal Tournament. It allows for prototyping action selection mechanisms using Java, Python, and reactive planner POSH. It is also possible to connect to the framework an external control mechanism, e.g. Soar.

The framework comes in the form of a NetBeans plugin, which features several predefined agent projects (JavaBot, PythonBot, POSHbot etc.), and server management and agent debugging features, most notably:

  • manual control of the agent in the environment,
  • introspection,
  • logs
  • a tool for defining and carrying out experiments with the agents in various environmental settings.

The Pogamut website is here.

The Archive of Eye Movement Data from Everyday Actions

A major problem for an artificial cognitive system is to know which of many items of information in a complex scene are relevant to a particular task. A potentially powerful tool in addressing this problem of attention is a repository of natural scenes containing human scanpaths (eye movement traces) when the human observers are carrying out a given task.

The Online Archive of Scanpath Data ( hosts a large and diverse collection of such scanpath data sets, including eye movement data of people performing a visual search task, booking airplane tickets online, tracking a target in multi-sensor video, making tea, driving a car in a city centre and in the countryside, playing cricket, drawing a portrait, playing jigsaw puzzle, attending a party and playing table tennis. Several of these data sets were prepared for the repository from pre-existing data with support from euCognition under Network Action NA024-2.

Each data set has one or several video clips associated with it with the eye images and fixation point for each frame overlaid. For each new data set there is a separate web page describing the data and its collection. Preview videos in DIVX (you'll need the codec installed on your computer to play these videos – if you don't have it please download it from and the full-size zipped videos (will be available online from mid January – 20GB recorded on 6 DVDs) are both provided for each data set. You may have to wait for a while (30-60sec) to have the previews download to your computer before you could play them.

The resource is expected to become increasingly useful to those who wish to construct artificial cognitive systems (such as robots, adaptive computer vision systems or software agents) capable of carrying out complex tasks (such as target selection or navigation to a target) in complex environments.

Full report on Network Action 024-2

AmonI - Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence - Software

Behavior Oriented Design (BOD) and POSH Action Selection, and much more ...

Behaviour oriented design is a methodology for developing intelligent systems. It extends object oriented design to the special problems of proactive systems, including real-time systems for dynamic enviornments. To the extent that these systems are agents, they need goals and priorities; in BOD these are specified using POSH action selection.

See:, Department of Computer Science, University of Bath


AKIRA is an open source C++ framework for designing distributed, modular agent architectures (e.g., schema-based, behavior-based, etc.)

Some features of the framework:

  1. support for decentralized, asynchronous and parallel processing;
  2. flexible implementation of the beahavior each module, with libraries for implementing soft computing algorithms (neural networks, fuzzy logic, fuzzy cognitive maps, etc.);
  3. flexible implementation of modules interaction (the default is inspired by complex systems research, i.e. local excitation and global inhibition among the modules);
  4. communication via blackboard and shared global variables;
  5. works under linux.

Giovanni Pezzulo and Gianguglielmo Calvi (2007). Designing Modular Architectures in the Framework AKIRA. Multiagent and Grid Systems, 3, 65--86.

or search 'akira' in:


CAST: The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit

As part of the CoSy project we have developed a software toolkit to support the developments of intelligent systems based on a space of possible architecture designs. We have developed the CoSy Architecture Schema (CAS) to describe this space of designs. The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit (CAST) is a software implementation of this schema designed to allow researchers (primarily in the fields of AI and robotics) to develop instantiations of the schema. The toolkit supports C++ and Java, and provides a communication framework for distributing an instantiation across a network. It's primary scientific purpose is to maintain a separation between a system's architecture and the content of it's architecture, allowing one to be varied independently of the other.

The Poplog system

The Poplog system is a substantial resource for teaching and research in AI, Cognitive Science, and general programming, at several different levels of skill, including incremental compilers for pop11, common lisp, prolog and standard ML.

There's a high level overview in

Information on versions and how to install Poplog

Some video demos and screenshots

The SimAgent toolkit