Cognitive Robotics Resources

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Research Challenges

Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks
The limits and potentials of deep learning for robotics
Building machines that learn and think like people
Controversies in Cognitive Systems Research
A First Draft Analysis of Some Meta-Requirements for Cognitive Systems in Robots

Cognitive Architecture Surveys

40 years of cognitive architectures: core cognitive abilities and practical applications
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society (BICA)
A world survey of artificial brain projects, Part II: Biologically inspired cognitive architectures

Cognitive Architecture Design Principles

Design principles for biologically inspired cognitive robotics
Desiderata for Developmental Cognitive Architectures
A Standard Model of the Mind, now referred to as a Common Model of Cognition

Robot Platforms

EASE openEASE Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots
iCub open source cognitive humanoid robotic platform

Research Networks

TC-CORO: IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Robotics
EUCog: European Society for Cognitive Systems
BICA: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society

White Papers

Dynamic Field Theory (DFT): Applications in Cognitive Science and Robotics
Observing Human Behaviour in Image Sequences: The Video-Hermeneutic Challenge
Cognitive Ontologies: Mapping Structure and Function of the Brain from a Systemic View
Coordinating with the Future: the Anticipatory Nature of Representation
Communication and Distributed Control in Multi-Agent Systems: Preliminary Model of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Swarms
Enactive Artificial Intelligence
CoEvolutionary Approaches in Cognitive Robotic Systems Design
Action Selection for Intelligent Systems


Software Resources

openEASE Open Knowledge for AI-Enabled Robots
CRAM: Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine
KnowRob: Knowledge Processing for Robots
The CLARION Cognitive Architecture Project
BECCA: Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture
AKIRA: C++ development framework to build cognitive architectures and complex artificial intelligent agents
AmonI: Artificial Models of Natural Intelligence]
CAST: The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit
YARP: Yet Another Robot Platform.
ROS: Robot Operating System

Teaching Resources



Model Curricula


Degrees in Cognitive Systems

The following is a sample of the Master-level degrees that are available in cognitive systems.

Example Robots

Please send us your examples! (Use the contact details on the IEEE TC CoRo website.)

Odds and Ends