Creating a CRAM Package for the Simple Mobile Manipulation Plan

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In this tutorial we will create a CRAM package for the Simple Mobile Manipulation Plan intermediate tutorial. We will do this in the same way as we created a CRAM package for the Beginner Tutorials, by creating a CRAM package and adding the Lisp code for the simple mobile manipulation plan. However, since the mobile manipulation plan is itself based on the Bullet World Demonstration tutorial, after creating the new CRAM package we will first copy the Bullet World Demonstration files and then we will add a new Lisp file for the Mobile Manipulation Plan.

Creating the CRAM Package

Creating the ROS package

Just as with the beginner tutorial, first we need to create a ROS package that depends on cram_language.

In the src subdirectory of your ROS workspace execute the following command:

$ catkin_create_pkg cram_my_intermediate_tutorial cram_language

If you have followed the CRAM installation instructions faithfully, the src subdirectory will be ~/workspace/ros/src:

 ~/workspace/ros/src$ catkin_create_pkg cram_my_intermediate_tutorial cram_language

For the rest of the tutorial, we will leave out the ~/workspace/ros/src.