
From David Vernon's Wiki
Revision as of 07:02, 23 September 2014 by Dvernon (Talk | contribs)

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  • Integration Guide; added the quality assurance checklist (DV 2/9/2014).
  • Installation Guide: added information on resolving a potential problem when installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 compiler (DV 3/9/2014).
  • Software Users Guide: added information on resolving a potential problem running the YARP name server (DV 3/9/2014).
  • Installation Guide: replaced the zip DREAM repository with a new version that has the standalone protoComponentTEST.xml application; no need to run the imageSourceTEST.xml application (DV 3/9/2014).
  • Version 1.1 of Deliverable 3.1 uploaded (DV 5/9/2014).
  • Installation Guide: clarified some aspects of the DREAM build process (DV 9/9/2014).
  • Deliverables D3.1 (version 1.2), D3.2 (version 1.4), and D3.3 (version 1.1) uploaded (DV 23/9/2014).
  1. There is a new build directory; this is where the DREAM.sln file goes, along with a multitude of other files.
  2. The CMake files have been modified so that the binaries are installed automatically in the bin directory (you must tick the INSTALL checkbox from the Build > Configuration Manager menu).
  3. The path environmental variable refers now to C:\DREAM\release\bin