Research Roadmap

One of the main goals of the euCognition network is to create a research roadmap that will help identify the functional and non-functional attributes of cognitive systems and focus attention on key scientific challenges in realizing them.

Plan A
Our original plan was to create the research roadmap in a variety of ways. Based on a canvass of the views of members of euCognition and staff in the EU Commission Cognition, Interaction, and Robotics unit, the Executive Committee agreed a specific Research Roadmap Agenda, including an exposition of the purpose of the roadmap, the approach to be used in developing it, the required outcomes, and an outline plan.

Plan B
However, in the immediate follow-up to the Roadmap Kick-off Meeting at the second six-monthly meeting in January 2007, it became clear that the challenge of creating a research roadmap was much greater than we had first thought, in terms of scope, complexity, and the effort required to complete the roadmap. Consequently, it was decided to rescope the goal and in March 2007 the Executive Committee adopted an Alternative Research Roadmap Agenda with a three-pronged approach, including interviews with key researchers, a series of debates, and a survey of all members of euCognition.

This three-pronged approach should be seen as a sort of middle ground between the conventional forward-chaining approach to road-mapping and backward-chaining approach favoured in the original Research Roadmap Agenda.

Plan B represented a shift in strategy, emphasizing less the development a full-blown roadmap and focusing more on a ''Learning Journey'': a series of actions that support the evolution of the discipline through the sharing of viewpoints and increased interaction among the diverse set of stakeholders. To date Plan B be has not been put into effect.

Plan C
To bootstrap the ''Learning Journey'' process, members of the Executive Committee volunteered to organize a series of workshop over the remaining period of the project. These workshops are as follows.