Cognitive Robotics Lecture Schedule

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Mini 1: Cognitive Robotics: Foundations

Date Lecture Topic Material covered Required hardware Required software Reading Homework exercises
Tues. 17 Jan. 1 Introduction Motivation. Goals of the course. Syllabus and lecture schedule. Course operation. Industrial requirements for cognitive robots. Artificial cognitive systems. Cognitivist, emergent, and hybrid paradigms in cognitive science. Autonomy. AI and cognition in robotics. Software development tools for assignments. None None Lecture 1 Slides. Vernon (2014), Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Install software tools and run example assignment0 programs.
Thurs. 19 Jan. 2 Robot  vision I Computer vision. Optics, sensors, and image formation. Image acquisition. Fundamentals of image processing. Segmentation and edge detection. Introduction to OpenCV. USB camera OpenCV Vernon (1991), Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.1. Image acquisition and image processing using OpenCV
Tues. 24 Jan. 3 Robot  vision II Segmentation. Hough transform: line, circle, and generalized transform; extension to codeword features. Colour-based segmentation. USB camera OpenCV Szeliski (2010), Sections 3.1.2, 3.3.4, 4.3.2. Vernon (1991), Section 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 5.3, 6.4. Hough transforms and colour segmentation using OpenCV
Thurs. 26 Jan. 4 Robot  vision III Object recognition. Interest point operators. Gradient orientation histogram - SIFT descriptor. Colour histogram intersection. Haar features, boosting, face detection. USB camera OpenCV, Vienna University of Technology BLORT Library Szeliski (2010), Sections 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 14.1.1. Face detection and object recognition using OpenCV
Tues. 31 Jan. 5 Robot  vision IV Homogeneous coordinates and transformations. Perspective transformation. Camera model and inverse perspective transformation. Stereo vision. Epipolar geometry. Structured light & RGB-D cameras. USB camera OpenCV Szeliski (2010), Sections 2.1, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3. Vernon (1991), Section 8.6, 9.4.2. Camera calibration
Thurs. 2 Feb. 6 Robot  vision V Plane pop-out. RANSAC. Differential geometry. Surface normals and Gaussian sphere. Point clouds. 3D descriptors. Kinect RGB-D sensor Technische Universität Wien RGB-D Segmentation Library and V4R Library Szeliski (2010), Sections 12.4. Point Cloud Library tutorial. Analysis of point cloud data from RGB-D camera
Tues. 7 Feb. 7 Robot  vision VI Visual attention. Spatial & selective attention. Saliency functions. Selective Tuning. Overt attention. Inhibition of return. Habituation. Top-down attention. USB camera CINDY cognitive architecture Implementation of a saliency function for covert attention
Thurs. 9 Feb. 8 Mobile robots I Differential drive locomotion. Forward and inverse kinematics. Holonomic and non-holonomic constraints. Cozmo mobile robot. Anki Cozmo mobile robot Anki Cozmo SDK, OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo SDK API. OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo locomotion.
Tues. 14 Feb. 9 Mobile robots II Relative and absolute position estimation. Odometry. Anki Cozmo mobile robot Anki Cozmo SDK, OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo SDK API. OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo landmark recognition.
Thurs. 16 Feb. 10 Mobile robots III Map representation. Probabilistic map-based localization. Landmark-based localization. Anki Cozmo mobile robot Anki Cozmo SDK, OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo SDK API. OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo landmark recognition
Tues. 21 Feb. 11 Mobile robots IV SLAM: simultaneous localization and mapping. Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) SLAM. Visual SLAM. Particle filter SLAM. Anki Cozmo mobile robot Anki Cozmo SDK, OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo SDK API. OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo object recognition
Tues. 23 Feb. 12 Mobile robots V Graph search path planning. Potential field path planning. Navigation. Obstacle avoidance. Object search. Anki Cozmo mobile robot Anki Cozmo SDK, OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo SDK API. OpenCV Python tutorial. Cozmo navigation
Tues. 18 Feb. 13 Robot arms I Homogeneous transformations. Frame-based pose specification. Denavit-Hartenberg specifications. Robot kinematics. Lynxmotion 5DoF arm, Arduino interface Arduino sketch programs for Lynxmotion Paul (1981), Chapters 1 & 2. Move end-effector along various paths in joint space
Thurs. 2 Mar. 14 Robot arms II Analytic inverse kinematics. Iterative approaches. Kinematic structure learning. Kinematics structure correspondences. Lynxmotion 5DoF arm, Arduino interface Arduino sketch programs for Lynxmotion Paul (1981), Chapter 3. Move end-effector along various paths in Cartesian frame of reference
Tues. 7 Mar. 15 Robot arms III Robot manipulation. Frame-based task specification. Vision-based pose estimation. Lynxmotion 5DoF arm, Arduino interface Arduino sketch programs for Lynxmotion Vernon (1991), Sections 8.1-8.4. Compute the pose of a light cube
Thurs. 9 Mar. 16 Robot arms IV Programming by demonstration. Language-based programming. Lynxmotion 5DoF arm, Arduino interface Arduino sketch programs for Lynxmotion Vernon (1991), Sections 8.1-8.4 Implement a program to move light cube from one position/pose to another position/pose

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