Official euCognition Events

List of Official Events

With a view to encouraging increased interaction between members and leveraging greater cross-fertilization of ideas in our community, the Executive Committee has agreed a policy to support the travel costs of members to designated official euCognition events.

The Executive Committee reserves the right to restrict the number of members who will be reimbursed the costs of attending official euCognition events.

Members of euCognition who register for official euCognition events and who wish to apply for reimbursement of travel and subsistence costs (not registration fees) must seek the written approval of the Network Coordinator before booking flights or incurring any associated cost.

If approval is given, then reimbursement of costs is subject to the normal euCognition guidelines and is conditional upon the member contributing a new cognition briefing to the euCognition wiki ( The URL to the briefing must be provided on the submitted claim form and the claim will not be considered unless the cognition briefing has been contributed and prior approval has been granted. Cognition briefings that have been previously contributed, i.e. prior to attending the workshop, do not qualify. A different briefing must be contributed for each claim. The member is free to choose the topic of the briefing.

It is not necessary to contribute a cognition briefing when attending the six-monthly meetings and registration is taken to be a request for approval.

Note that there is a possibility that we will have to cancel the final six-monthly meeting due to shortage of funds. If we go ahead, we will grant approval for the meeting on a first-registered-first-approved basis.

List of Official Events

6th euCognition Six-Monthly Meeting: Achievement and Challenges, Venice, 28-29 November 2008

Workshop on Modelling Cognitive Behaviour (in machines, organisms, organisations), Bristol, UK, 10 October 2008

Workshop on Dynamic Field Theory: Applications in Cognitive Science and Robotics, Minho, Portugal, 8-9 September 2008

Adaptive Mechanisms of the Perception-Action Cycle, Workshop in conjunction with the International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2008), Prague, 6 September 2008

Summer School on Non-Linear Dynamics and Robots: From Neurons to Cognition, Madrid, 4-8 August 2008

Workshop on Enactive Approaches to Social Cognition, PowderMills Hotel, Battle, UK, 30 August - 1 September 2008

Eighth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems Brighton, UK, 31 July - 2 August 2008

The Role of Emotion in Adaptive Behaviour and Cognitive Robotics SAB '08 Workshop, Osaka, 11-12 July 2008

Doctoral Consortium, Munich, 28 June 2008

5th euCognition Six-Monthly Meeting: The Role of Anticipation in Cognition, Munich, 27 June 2008

ABiALS 2008 - The fourth workshop on Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, Munich, 26 June 2008

Course on Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues Vietri Sul Mare, Italy, 21-26 April 2008

Workshop: Models of Thought: Post-Cognitivist Epistemologies Munich, 20-21 February 2008

4th euCognition Six-Monthly Meeting: Social Cognition Venice, 10-11 January 2008

Symposium on Language and Robots Aveiro, Portugal, 10-12 December 2007