The protoComponent Example

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/** @file protoComponent.h  Interface file for the example DREAM component
 * Version 1.0
 * 20/8/2014
 * \defgroup DREAM_protoComponent protoComponent
 * This application demonstates the use of the protoComponent module. 
 * This is a simple example to illustrate a component that is compliant with
 * mandatory DREAM software standards for
 * 1. File organization
 * 2. Internal source code documentation
 * 3. Component functionality
 * as well as recommended DREAM software standards for 
 * 4. Programming style
 * 5. Programming practice 
 * These standards are documented in Appendices A-E of Deliverable 3.2 
 * Overall, the standards address the 4 Cs of component-based software engineering:
 * - configuration
 * - coordination
 * - computation
 * - computation
 * Functionally, the module 
 * - reads a colour image from an input port,
 * - reads a threshold value from an imput port,
 * - converts it to a binary image based on a supplied threshold,
 * - counts the number of foreground pixels and background pixels,
 * - writes the binary image to an output port,
 * - and writes the pixel statistics and the time to another output port.
 * The purpose of these operations is simply to illustrate how input/ouput is performed.  
 * The image processing itself is trivial and of no importance.
 * The module also reads a configuration file containing the intrinsic
 * parameters of the robot's two cameras as an example of more advanced parsing 
 * techniques.
 * A complete tutorial on this example is available on the DREAM wiki 
 * \section lib_sec Libraries
 * YARP.
 * \section parameters_sec Parameters
 * Command-line Parameters  
 * The following key-value pairs can be specified as command-line parameters 
 * by prefixing \c -- to the key e.g. \c --from file.ini. 
 * The value part can be changed to suit your needs; the default values are 
 * shown below. 
 * - \c from \c protoComponent.ini \n 
 *   specifies the configuration file
 * - \c context \c protoComponent/configuration \n
 *   specifies the sub-path from \c $DREAM_ROOT/protoComponent/configuration 
 *   to the configuration file
 * - \c name \c protoComponent \n   
 *   specifies the name of the module (used to form the stem of module port names)  
 * Configuration File Parameters 
 * The following key-value pairs can be specified as parameters in the configuration file 
 * (they can also be specified as command-line parameters if you so wish). 
 * The value part can be changed to suit your needs; the default values are shown below. 
 * - \c imageInputPort \c /image:i \n    
 *   specifies the image input port name (this string will be prefixed by \c /protoComponent 
 *   or whatever else is specifed by the name parameter
 * - \c thresholdInputPort \c /threshold:i \n    
 *   specifies the threshold input port name (this string will be prefixed by \c /protoComponent 
 *   or whatever else is specifed by the name parameter
 * - \c imageOutputPort \c /image:o \n  
 *   specifies the image output port name (this string will be prefixed by \c /protoComponent 
 *   or whatever else is specifed by the name parameter
 * - \c statisticsOutputPort \c /statistics:o \n  
 *   specifies the statistics output port name (this string will be prefixed by \c /protoComponent 
 *   or whatever else is specifed by the name parameter
 * - \c cameraConfig \c cameras.ini \n
 *   specifies the camera configuration file containing the intrinsic parameters of
 *   the left and right cameras
 * - \c threshold \c 7 \n           
 *   specifies the threshold value
 * \section portsa_sec Ports Accessed
 * - None
 * \section portsc_sec Ports Created
 *  Input ports
 *  - \c /protoComponent \n
 *    This port is used to change the parameters of the module at run time or stop the module. \n
 *    The following commands are available
 *    \c help \n
 *    \c quit \n
 *    \c set \c thr \c <n>   ... set the threshold for binary segmentation of the input RGB image 
 *    (where \c <n> is an integer number)
 *    Note that the name of this port mirrors whatever is provided by the \c --name parameter value
 *    The port is attached to the terminal so that you can type in commands and receive replies.
 *    The port can be used by other modules but also interactively by a user through the yarp rpc directive, viz.: \c yarp \c rpc \c /protoComponent
 *    This opens a connection from a terminal to the port and allows the user to then type in commands and receive replies.
 *  - \c /protoComponent/image:i \n
 *  - \c /protoComponent/threshold:i \n
 * Output ports
 *  - \c /protoComponent \n
 *    see above
 *  - \c /protoComponent/image:o \n
 *  - \c /protoComponent/statistics:o \n
 * Port types 
 * The functional specification only names the ports to be used to communicate with the module 
 * but doesn't say anything about the data transmitted on the ports. This is defined by the following code. 
 * \c BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> >   \c imageIn; \n 
 * \c BufferedPort<VectorOf<int> >       \c thresholdIn; //int threshold  \n  
 * \c BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> >   \c imageOut; \n  
 * \c BufferedPort                       \c statisticsOut; \n      
 * Thus, there are three types of port in use here, all buffered: 
 * - image, 
 * - vector of int (there will be just one element in the vector in this case), and 
 * - a bottle comprising alphanumerics messages.
 * \section in_files_sec Input Data Files
 * None
 * \section out_data_sec Output Data Files
 * None
 * \section conf_file_sec Configuration Files
 * \c protoComponent.ini   
 * \c cameras.ini  
 * \section example_sec Example Instantiation of the Module
 * protoComponent --name protoComponent --context components/protoComponent/config --from protoComponent.ini 
 * \author 
 * <name of author>, <author institute>  
 * Copyright (C) 2014 DREAM Consortium

 * Copyright (C) 2014 DREAM Consortium
 * FP7 Project 611391 co-funded by the European Commission
 * Author:  David Vernon, University of Skövde 
 * Email: 
 * Website: 
 * This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 
 * Audit Trail
 * -----------
 * 20/08/14  First version validated (David Vernon)
 * 06/10/14  Additional ports for threshold input and statistic output (David Vernon)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <yarp/sig/all.h>
#include <yarp/os/all.h>
#include <yarp/os/RFModule.h>
#include <yarp/os/Network.h>
#include <yarp/os/Thread.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace yarp::os; 
using namespace yarp::sig;
class ProtoComponentThread : public Thread {


   /* class variables */

    bool               debug;
   int                x, y;
   PixelRgb           rgbPixel;
   ImageOf<PixelRgb> *image;
   int               *thresholdValue;   
   VectorOf<int>     *thresholdVector;
   int               numberOfForegroundPixels;

   /* thread parameters: they are pointers so that they refer to the original variables in protoComponent */

   BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imagePortIn;
   BufferedPort<VectorOf<int> >     *thresholdPortIn; 
   BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imagePortOut; 
   BufferedPort<Bottle>             *statisticsPortOut; 

    /* class methods */
    ProtoComponentThread(BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imageIn, 
                         BufferedPort<VectorOf<int> >     *thresholdIn, 
                         BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imageOut,
                         BufferedPort<Bottle>             *statisticsOut, 
                         int *threshold );
    bool threadInit();     
    void threadRelease();
    void run(); 

class ProtoComponent:public RFModule {

   /* module parameters */

   string moduleName;
   string imageInputPortName;
   string thresholdInputPortName;
   string imageOutputPortName;
   string statisticsOutputPortName;  
   string handlerPortName;
   string cameraConfigFilename;
   float  fxLeft,  fyLeft;          // focal length
   float  fxRight, fyRight;         // focal length
   float  cxLeft,  cyLeft;          // coordinates of the principal point
   float  cxRight, cyRight;         // coordinates of the principal point
   int    thresholdValue;

   /* class variables */

   BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > imageIn;       // example image input port
   BufferedPort<VectorOf<int> >     thresholdIn;   // example vector input port 
   BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > imageOut;      // example image output port
   BufferedPort<Bottle>             statisticsOut; // example bottle output port
   Port handlerPort;                               // a port to handle interactive messages (also uses bottles)

   /* pointer to a new thread to be created and started in configure() and stopped in close() */

   ProtoComponentThread *protoComponentThread;

   bool configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf); // configure all the module parameters and return true if successful
   bool interruptModule();                       // interrupt, e.g., the ports 
   bool close();                                 // close and shut down the module
   bool respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply);
   double getPeriod(); 
   bool updateModule();

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 DREAM Consortium
 * FP7 Project 611391 co-funded by the European Commission
 * Author:  David Vernon, University of Skövde 
 * Email: 
 * Website:  
 * This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 
 * Audit Trail
 * -----------
 * 20/08/14  First version validated (David Vernon)
 * 06/10/14  Additional ports for threshold input and statistic output (David Vernon)

#include "protoComponent.h"

 * Configure method ... use it to do component coordination, 
 * i.e. to configure your component at runtime

bool ProtoComponent::configure(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf)
   /* Process all parameters from both command-line and .ini file */

   /* get the module name which will form the stem of all module port names */

   moduleName            = rf.check("name", 
                           "module name (string)").asString();

    * before continuing, set the module name before getting any other parameters, 
    * specifically the port names which are dependent on the module name

   /* now, get the rest of the parameters */

   /* get the name of the input and output ports, automatically prefixing the module name by using getName() */

   imageInputPortName    =      "/";
   imageInputPortName   +=      getName(
                                "Input image port (string)").asString()
   thresholdInputPortName =     "/";
   thresholdInputPortName +=    getName(
                                "Threshold input port (string)").asString()

   imageOutputPortName   =      "/";
   imageOutputPortName  +=      getName(
                                "Output image port (string)").asString()

   statisticsOutputPortName   = "/";
   statisticsOutputPortName  += getName(
                                "Output image port (string)").asString()

   /* get the threshold value */

   thresholdValue        = rf.check("threshold",
                           "Key value (int)").asInt();

    * get the cameraConfig file and read the required parameter values cx, cy 

   cameraConfigFilename  = rf.check("cameraConfig", 
                           "camera configuration filename (string)").asString();

   cameraConfigFilename = (rf.findFile(cameraConfigFilename.c_str())).c_str();

   Property cameraProperties;

   if (cameraProperties.fromConfigFile(cameraConfigFilename.c_str()) == false) {
      cout << "protoComponent: unable to read camera configuration file" << cameraConfigFilename << endl;
      return 0;
   else {
      cxLeft  = (float) cameraProperties.findGroup("CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT").check("cx", Value(160.0), "cx left").asDouble();
      cyLeft  = (float) cameraProperties.findGroup("CAMERA_CALIBRATION_LEFT").check("cy", Value(120.0), "cy left").asDouble();
      cxRight = (float) cameraProperties.findGroup("CAMERA_CALIBRATION_RIGHT").check("cx", Value(160.0), "cx right").asDouble();
      cyRight = (float) cameraProperties.findGroup("CAMERA_CALIBRATION_RIGHT").check("cy", Value(120.0), "cy right").asDouble();

   /* do all initialization here */
   /* open ports  */ 
   if (! {
      cout << getName() << ": unable to open port " << imageInputPortName << endl;
      return false;  // unable to open; let RFModule know so that it won't run

   if (! {
      cout << getName() << ": unable to open port " << thresholdInputPortName << endl;
      return false;  // unable to open; let RFModule know so that it won't run

   if (! {
      cout << getName() << ": unable to open port " << imageOutputPortName << endl;
      return false;  // unable to open; let RFModule know so that it won't run

   if (! {
      cout << getName() << ": unable to open port " << statisticsOutputPortName << endl;
      return false;  // unable to open; let RFModule know so that it won't run

    * attach a port of the same name as the module (prefixed with a /) to the module
    * so that messages received from the port are redirected to the respond method

   handlerPortName =  "/";
   handlerPortName += getName();         // use getName() rather than a literal 
   if (! {           
      cout << getName() << ": Unable to open port " << handlerPortName << endl;  
      return false;

   attach(handlerPort);                  // attach to port
   /* create the thread and pass pointers to the module parameters */

   protoComponentThread = new ProtoComponentThread(&imageIn, &thresholdIn, &imageOut, &statisticsOut, &thresholdValue);

   /* now start the thread to do the work */

   protoComponentThread->start(); // this calls threadInit() and it if returns true, it then calls run()
   return true ;      // let the RFModule know everything went well
                      // so that it will then run the module

bool ProtoComponent::interruptModule()


   return true;

bool ProtoComponent::close()
   /* stop the thread */


   return true;

bool ProtoComponent::respond(const Bottle& command, Bottle& reply) 
  string helpMessage =  string(getName().c_str()) + 
                        " commands are: \n" +  
                        "help \n" + 
                        "quit \n" + 
                        "set thr <n> ... set the threshold \n" + 
                        "(where <n> is an integer number) \n";


  if (command.get(0).asString()=="quit") {
       return false;     
   else if (command.get(0).asString()=="help") {
      cout << helpMessage;
	  reply.addString("command is: set thr <n>");
   else if (command.get(0).asString()=="set") {
      if (command.get(1).asString()=="thr") {
         thresholdValue = command.get(2).asInt(); // set parameter value
   return true;

/* Called periodically every getPeriod() seconds */

bool ProtoComponent::updateModule()
   return true;

double ProtoComponent::getPeriod()
   /* module periodicity (seconds), called implicitly by protoComponent */
   return 0.1;

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 DREAM Consortium
 * FP7 Project 611391 co-funded by the European Commission
 * Author:  David Vernon, University of Skövde 
 * Email: 
 * Website: 
 * This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 

 * Audit Trail
 * -----------
 * 20/08/14  First version validated (David Vernon)
 * 06/10/14  Additional ports for threshold input and statistic output (David Vernon)

#include "protoComponent.h"

ProtoComponentThread::ProtoComponentThread(BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imageIn, 
                                           BufferedPort<VectorOf<int> >     *thresholdIn, 
                                           BufferedPort<ImageOf<PixelRgb> > *imageOut,
                                           BufferedPort<Bottle>             *statisticsOut, 
                                           int *threshold)
   imagePortIn       = imageIn;
   thresholdPortIn   = thresholdIn;
   imagePortOut      = imageOut; 
   statisticsPortOut = statisticsOut;
   thresholdValue    = threshold;

bool ProtoComponentThread::threadInit() 
   /* initialize variables and create data-structures if needed */

   debug = false;

   return true;

void ProtoComponentThread::run(){

    * do some work ....
    * for example, convert the input image to a binary image using the threshold provided 
   unsigned char value;
   double start;
   start = yarp::os::Time::now(); // start time

   while (isStopping() != true) { // the thread continues to run until isStopping() returns true
      if (debug)
         cout << "protoComponentThread: threshold value is " << *thresholdValue << endl;
      /* read image ... block until image is received */

      do {
         image = imagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((image == NULL) && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down;
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      /* read threshold ... block if threshold is not received */
      do {
         thresholdVector = thresholdPortIn->read(false);
      } while ((thresholdVector == NULL) && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down;
      /* read threshold ... do not block if threshold is not received */

      thresholdVector = thresholdPortIn->read(false);
      if (thresholdVector != NULL) {
            *thresholdValue = (int) (*thresholdVector)[0];

      if (debug)
         cout << "protoComponentThread: threshold value is " << *thresholdValue << endl;

      /* write out the binary image */

      ImageOf<PixelRgb> &binary_image = imagePortOut->prepare();

      numberOfForegroundPixels = 0;

      for (x=0; x<image->width(); x++) {
         for (y=0; y<image->height(); y++) {

             rgbPixel = image->safePixel(x,y);

             if (((rgbPixel.r + rgbPixel.g + rgbPixel.b)/3) > *thresholdValue) {
                value = (unsigned char) 255;
             else {
                value = (unsigned char) 0;

             rgbPixel.r = value;
             rgbPixel.g = value;
             rgbPixel.b = value;

             binary_image(x,y) = rgbPixel;

       /* write out the image statistics */

       Bottle &statisticsMessage = statisticsPortOut->prepare();


       statisticsMessage.addString("seconds elapsed");
       statisticsMessage.addString(" - foreground pixel count is");

void ProtoComponentThread::threadRelease() 
   /* for example, delete dynamically created data-structures */

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 * Copyright (C) 2014 DREAM Consortium
 * FP7 Project 611391 co-funded by the European Commission
 * Author:  <name of author>, <author institute> 
 * Email:   <preferred email address> 
 * Website: 
 * This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY 

 * Audit Trail
 * -----------
 * 20/08/14  First version validated (David Vernon)
#include "protoComponent.h" 
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  /* initialize yarp network */ 
  Network yarp;
  /* create your module */
  ProtoComponent protoComponent; 
  /* prepare and configure the resource finder */
  ResourceFinder rf;
  rf.setDefaultConfigFile("protoComponent.ini");          // can be overridden by --from parameter
  rf.setDefaultContext("protoComponent/configuration");   // can be overridden by --context parameter
  rf.configure("DREAM_ROOT", argc, argv);                 // environment variable with root of configuration path
  /* run the module: runModule() calls configure first and, if successful, it then runs */
  return 0;

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