Cognition Briefings

This page is under construction while material from the euCognition wiki is being migrated to the website for archival.

Cognition Briefings are short articles written for a non-specialist audience. They aim to provide provide a quick and accessible introduction to a particular topic in cognitive systems with references or links for further reading. They are inspired by the Brain Briefings of the American Society for Neuroscience.

Automatic and Willed Control of Action

Affordance: Review of an Inspiring Notion

Anticipation and Prediction
Anticipation and Anticipatory Behaviour
Anticipatory Eye-movements in Infants

Distributed Intelligence for Smart Assistive Appliances

Autonomy and Cognition

Computational Attention

Cognitive Architectures
Cellular Nonlinear Networks
Cognitive Architectures

Attachment Theory

Cognitive and Affective Underpinnings of Risk Attitude
Comparing Emotion Models Used in Agent Architectures

Enactive Systems
Enactive Approaches to Social Cognition
Enactive Concepts
What is "Enactive" Cognition?

Cross-situational Algorithms for Vocabulary Learning

Learning & Development
Bayesian Probabilistic Learning in Robots
Bounded Online Learning with Kernel-Based Perceptrons
Dynamical Approaches to Development

Dynamical Approaches to Development
Enactive Cognition
Extended Cognition: On the Bundaries of Cognitive Systems

Bayesian Multisensory Perception

Bayesian Probabilistic Learning in Robots
Biomimetic Robotics
CoEvolutionary Approaches in Cognitive Robotic System Design
Cognitive Robotics

The following briefings have yet to be migrated and classified
Eyes-Neck motor coordination through coupled chaotic systems
Facial Motion Analysis| Facial Motion Analysis for Human Expression Interpretation
From Image Sequences to Natural-Language Texts
The Haken-Kelso-Bunz Model of the Coordination Dynamics of Two Hands
Odor localization|How can robots help us to understand biological systems? A look at odor localization in the male moth.
Homeostasis, Emotion, Cognition
Human Behavior Interpretation from Image Sequences
Human concepts - a matter of ontology or epistemology?
The Integration of Action and Language in Natural and Artificial Cognitive Systems
Interactive Robot Learning
Language and cognitive robots
Learning and Memory in Neural Networks
Level of Detail AI for Computer Games
Long Term Temporal Dependencies in Recurrent Neural Networks
Modelling cultural transmission and evolution: some references
Modeling of mind in real-time
Morphofunctional Machines and Emotion
Multisensory Processing
Naturalized Epistemology and Artificial Cognitive Systems
Perceptual Crossing: A minimalist approach to social interaction
Phenomenologist's view
Postcognitive psychology and affordance|Postcognitive psychology and affordance - a semiotic synthesis
Reclaiming Symbols
Redundancy in Action
Representation: A problematic but unavoidable concept
Representation: The Future of AI Without It
Reservoir Systems
RCS: an engineering Cognitive Architecture
Schemas and Schema-based Architectures
Simulating Speech Production and Speech Acquisition
Simulating the Evolution of Language with Cognitive Agents and Robots
Social Learning in Embodied Agents
Some Considerations on Spatial Relations
Some_foundational_concepts_and_problems | Some foundational concepts and problems for integrating cognitive architectures and research
Spatial cognition in animals: what about representation?
State Representations in Evolutionary and Robotics Systems
Stereoscopic Cognitive Vision Systems for Mobile Robots– a Case Study
Symbol Grounding in Cognitive Systems
Social Phenomena Related to Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma
Symbol Tethering| Symbol Tethering: The myth of symbol grounding
Sympathy (vs empathy)
Sustainability and autonomy, a shared framework
Tactile sensing in robots
Toward a "Chaotic" Cognitive Architecture
Towards Autonomous, Dynamically Dexterous Robots
Universal Darwinism
What is Cognition? One View of Cognitive Systems
Working Memory